How Often Should Washing Machine Hoses Be Replaced?

How Often Should Washing Machine Hoses Be Replaced?

Washing machines make cleaning clothes and linens a quick and easy process. You save time that would otherwise be spent handwashing each individual item of clothing by running them through a washing machine cycle. However, a washing machine is only as good as its parts. 

When one part of a washing machine fails, your clothes won’t get the cleaning they need. The washing machine hoses are one of these essential parts that allow your washing machine to function properly. In order to keep your washing machine in good shape, it’s fair to wonder how often should washing machine hoses be replaced. 

Types Of Washing Machine Hoses 

In order to know how often should washing machine hoses be replaced, it’s important to know about the different types of washing machine hoses. The two main types of washing machine hoses are reinforced rubber and braided stainless steel. Reinforced rubber hoses are stronger and more durable than standard rubber hoses. Braided stainless steel hoses are notable for meeting industry standards, as this type of hose is guaranteed to last longer. 

How Often Should Washing Machine Hoses Be Replaced?

Now that you know about the two main types of washing machine hoses, it’s time to learn how often should washing machine hoses be replaced. Here are some signs to look out for if you think you might need to replace your washing machine hoses. 

Your Washing Machine Hoses Are Leaking 

The first answer to the question, “How often should washing machine hoses be replaced?” is if they are constantly leaking. There are many different causes of your leaking washing machine hoses. The quality of the water can be a huge contributing factor behind whether or not your washing machine hoses leak, as well as the extent to which the hoses might be worn out. 

Extensive Wear And Tear 

Speaking of being worn out, if you notice any extensive wear and tear on your washing machine hoses, then they need to be replaced as soon as possible. Time is not the only thing that can cause wear and tear. 

Damage From Poor Installation 

If your washing machine hoses are extensively bent, dented, or generally out of shape, these are also signs of damage sustained from poor installation. To avoid this scenario, make sure your washing machine hoses are properly installed. 

The Hoses Are At The End Of Their Lifespan 

When you hear the question, “How often should washing machine hoses be replaced?” the first thing that comes to mind is time. The lifespan of washing machine hoses can vary depending on brand, material, and upkeep. That said, the average lifespan of washing machine hoses is anywhere from three to five years. If you really want to stay on top of ensuring your washing machine works as needed, change the hoses every three to five years. 

How To Replace Washing Machine Hoses 

Now that you have four different answers to “How often should washing machine hoses be replaced?” it’s only natural that you’ll now want to know how to replace them. Replacing washing machine hoses is easily accomplished as long as you execute the following steps

1. Turn Off And Unplug The Washer And Shut Off The Water Supply

For your safety and convenience, you’ll first need to turn off and unplug the washer. Once that’s done, shut off the water supply connection to your washing machine. 

2. Locate And Disconnect Hoses

For this step, you’ll need to consult your washing machine’s user manual to locate the hoses. Upon finding the hoses, disconnect and remove them. 

how often should washing machine hoses be replaced

3. Connect New Hoses

After disposing of the old hoses, you can begin connecting the new washing machine hoses. Ensure that the hoses are tightly secured on both ends of the connectors. For this part, disconnect and connect one hose at a time. 

4. Carefully Turn On Water Supply And Reconnect Washing Machine

When you’ve connected one new hose at a time, reconnect the washer to its power source. First, you’ll turn the water supply back on slowly and carefully. Then, you’ll plug in and turn back on your washing machine. 

Appliance Repair Weston Will Keep Your Washing Machine In Shape!

You now know the answer to the question, “How often should washing machine hoses be replaced?” Additionally, you also know how to replace them. If you would prefer assistance when it comes to keeping your washing machine in shape, however, don’t hesitate to contact us at Appliance Repair Weston. 


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